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Between rising costs with no end in sight, wild price variations, opaque contracts, woeful inefficiencies, and poor outcomes, the U.S. healthcare system is clearly broken. It’s time to break our dependence on health insurance carriers, pharmaceutical companies, and pharmacy benefit managers that are beholden to their shareholders at the expense of patients. The same goes for discounts on overpriced services and cost-sharing strategies that are pennywise but pound foolish. In short, we need to end this perverse approach to care!


There’s a highly compelling solution to fixing these systemic problems. It’s called: TRANSPARENT HEALTH BENEFITS.


THB focuses on healthcare’s missing link: TRANSPARENCY. The fact is, health plan participants make far better decisions when shopping for coverage in a completely transparent process. More informed consumers force greater competition across the healthcare supply chain, which in turn drives down the cost of medical services. THB, which offers meaningful health plan options, produces significant results that include 20% to 40% cost savings and a huge improvement in the quality of care being accessed. In explaining how this new category works, our goal is to educate about ways to take control of the biggest P&L expense after payroll, as well as turn employees and their dependents into better healthcare consumers. We’ll show how to save money while improving the health and productivity of the employee populations you serve.



Other THB-related hot topics will include: 


Direct contracting


Reference-based Pricing 2.0

Bundled Payment

Cash Payment

With all of these subjects, we will review the overall strategy and implementation, as well as share results and case studies. In addition, we will host a webinar to dig deeper into each of these areas. Our goal is to make you an expert in the strategies that can make an IMPACT on what’s next in health plan management.  

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